What should you recycle

Earn $ from Bottles On all beverage containers including Beer, Wine & Spirits and Soft Drinks

What’s a Deposit?

With the exception of milk containers, anytime you go to your local store and buy alcohol or non-alcohol ready-to-drink containers, you pay a deposit.

For Example:

  • Non - Alcoho

    Pop, juice, water (plastic, aluminum or glass) 1L or under

  • Non - Alcohol

    Pop, juice, water (plastic, aluminum or glass) over 1L

  • Alcohol

    Beer cans or bottles, liquor bottles, wine/spirits 1L or under

  • Alcohol

    Beer cans or bottles, liquor bottles, wine/spirits 1L or under


How Can You Sort Your Containers?

If you have high volume of containers, you may decide to sort your beverage containers at home before bringing them into the bottle depot. Just ask one of our friendly staff for some plastic bags and use the following chart to sort the containers in the comfort of your home!

Aluminum Pop Cans 288 Aluminum Pop Cans 288
Aluminum Pop Cans 150 Aluminum Pop Cans 50
Aluminum Pop Cans 360 Aluminum Pop Cans 100
Aluminum Pop Cans 360 Aluminum Pop Cans 100
Aluminum Pop Cans 50 Aluminum Pop Cans 500
Aluminum Pop Cans 120 Aluminum Pop Cans 50
Aluminum Pop Cans 150 Aluminum Pop Cans 50
Aluminum Pop Cans 288 Aluminum Pop Cans 288
Remember, beer and pop cans carry different deposits, so keep them separate if you want your full deposit back! Please do not put glass bottles in the bags as we want to ensure your safety. Please put your glass bottles in cardboard boxes and indicate the number of bottles on the box. The easiest method would be to return your beer bottles in the beer boxes they come in
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